My Journey From WordPress

I’ve been writing on WordPress since 04/08/2020, but I have decided to move my blog over here for a variety of reasons.

First, WordPress doesn’t allow me the kind of aesthetic that I have been looking for, so it never really felt like me. I didn’t have the creative freedom that makes me want to jump in front of the computer and start typing away. Secondly, it was separate from my photos and that also didn’t feel organic, because I want all of my work and content to be held in one place (at least for now). Lastly, it was time for a change. My life has been full of changes recently, with many more on the horizon, so this felt like a good time to shift gears and get excited to plant some roots here instead.

So, in the coming weeks, I will be (re)posting my previous blog posts here, starting back from The Beginning, all the way up to today! I hope that you enjoy :)


The Beginning