Coaching as a Manifesting Generator

Before reading, if you haven’t heard of Human Design, please feel free to grab your chart by heading to

While there will be future blogs on the basics of human design, especially since I plan to get my certification, today is generalized to the struggles of health coaching as a manifesting generator (that is me, she is I).

As many of you know, I have been in the Integrative Health Coaching program at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition since January 2023. I am actually just a week out from getting my certification (yeehaw!). Something we learn in the program, and that I hear a lot of experts talking about on social media, is “niche-ing” down.

What does that mean?

It means finding the specific nook or cranny you are most passionate about, or have the most experience in, to offer to your clients with your services. This also means using your social media platforms to talk about this category of health and wellness, so content and programs will be centered around this choice.

As a manifesting generator, a human who is interested in a TON of things, someone who picks things up, tries them out, and often puts them down to move to the next thing, I really struggle with this. It feels “box-y” and limiting. It feels like once I make this choice, it will be my identity as a health coach.

There is nothing wrong with this method, I have a huge respect for the greats who came before me and who have paved the path I now freely walk down. I understand that these suggestions come from experience, especially with a ton of new health coaches coming into the market. If you just search “health coach” on Instagram, you will see this for yourself.

So as I think about choosing this niche, I think further down the path. So I post content around this subsect of wellness, I will hopefully gain followers who want to know about this information, and who trust me as a source of truth for this niche.

I already know that my manifesting generator energy will flow in and out of this experience, urging me to look this way or that to see all the other options. For example, I currently want to focus on nervous system regulation, stress relief, and somatic exercises to heal from past trauma and dysregulation. However, I am also interested in gut health, hormone health, nutrition, becoming certified in human design, or yoga, or reiki, or maybe even getting my Masters in Ayurveda or Nutrition.

Do you see what I mean??? I already have these thoughts and I know the further I get into education the more I’m going to think “OMG that sounds cool, let me try that!!” or “OMG that would fit in so well with what I am already doing” because health is so interconnected so this thought will never go away.

I had the opportunity to work with a life coach for the last month of 2023, which was such a blessing. We worked on my limiting beliefs, understanding my goals and what I needed to do to achieve them, and really loving and believing in myself. During this engagement, we realized we are both manifesting generators (cool) and got to talking about being an entrepreneur with this type of energy. She told me that it was my choice whether to listen to the outside noise telling me that I needed to find and stick to my niche, or whether I wanted to be free flowing. Meaning if today, and for the next 6 months, I want to focus on the nervous system, but then month 7 I want to focus on hormone health and cycle syncing, that it’s okay! She helped me understand that boxing myself into this frame of thinking would only cause inaction, because it seems too heavy and dishonest to myself and my true nature to choose one thing and stay there, so I haven’t even tried taking action!

Which, true. I absolutely have been frozen with uncertainty and lack of trust in myself that I could even choose the right niche, let alone stick with it. So I am afraid that I will create a great community of people who really can gain from my knowledge, to then turn around and break their trust by changing my focus.

Today, when thinking about this, I realized that this is definitely possible. But you know what? Anything is. And for my anxious girlies (or men, you’re welcome here too!) this induces anxiety! The unknown is such a huge barrier for overthinkers, perfectionists, anxious individuals, and those with dysregulated nervous systems. Which btw, I fall into all of these categories, so you are absolutely not alone!

We can be paralyzed with uncertainty and take zero action, make zero impact, and look back years from now with the “what ifs” OR we can push through the fear and doubt and uncertainty to see what will happen! What ifs become what dids. And isn’t that what life is about anyway, experiencing?

Experiencing good and bad, happy and sad, joy and pain. There isn’t one without the other. So for me to make an impact, to find people who need the content I can share, to use the coaching knowledge I have spent time and money on, I must also risk letting people down, or getting judged, or not making the impact I hope to make. I must surrender to my path, being true to who I am in the process, and trusting that whatever is meant for me will find me. I am a believer that if it is meant for you, it cannot miss you.

So if I run with the nervous system regulation and stress relief niche, and then in 6 months or two years pivot into something else, so be it. I trust that as long as I am tapped into my truth and sharing authentically, everything will unfold to serve my greatest self.

So, get ready to see many transitions of Empowra with Hannah, as I hope to see many transitions of you.


Why did I Decide to Become a Health Coach?


That’s the thing about fear